Associate Customer Onboarding Specialist [Belgium]


Business Compliance Officer (BCO) – Capital Markets Services (32-40 hours)

Capital Markets Services is a specialized division, which offers management, trustee and administration services for a broad range of securitisation and structured finance transactions. This service is run by a committed team of highly accomplished professionals, well known in the industry for their expertise and dedication. The team is committed to providing a personal and practical approach, dedicated to building long-term relationships with clients and business partners in the structured finance area.

The BCO is responsible for client onboarding/acceptance and preparation of the client acceptance file). The BCO is liaison between the client team, the)Compliance Due Diligence (CDD) team and our Compliance department. The BSO advises and supports the (Senior) Company Lawyers in the client team on all the compliance related tasks, transaction monitoring and data quality.


Responsibilities of BCO

  • Being the go-to specialist for all compliance related questions and industry expert within the

client team

  • Preparing all the necessary documents and forms for the client acceptance file) for all new client entities in the client team
  • Coordinating and executing client onboarding/acceptance process for all new client entities in the client team
  • Advising on transaction monitoring within client team
  • Coordinating all requests from the Compliance department and the CDD team
  • Implementation of any new compliance related policies, procedures and programs in the client team
  • Represent the client team in Acceptance Committee meetings

Competences of BCO

  • Teamwork

Cooperates and works well with others in the pursuit of team goals; shares information;

supports others

  • Verbal communication skills

Communicates verbally in a manner which is clear, fluent and to the point, and which holds

the audience attention, both in group and one-to-one situations

  • Written communication skills

Produces written communications which are clear, fluent, concise and readily understood by

intended recipient(s)

  • Judgement

Makes rational, realistic and sound (legal) decisions based on consideration of all facts and


  • Initiative

Is proactive and self-starting; seizes opportunities and acts upon them; originates action and

actively influences events

  • Information gathering

Seeks all possible relevant information for problem-solving and decision-making: consults

widely, probes he facts, analyses issues from different perspectives

  • Execution

Drives projects along, gets results, and ensures that key objectives are met

  • Concern for excellence

Committed to the achievement and maintenance of quality; sets high standards of

performance for self and others

  • Persuasiveness

Is able to influence attitudes and opinions of others and gain agreement to proposals, plans

and ideas; skilful at negotiating

Profile of BCO

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in law
  • Minimum of 5 years working experience in corporate services industry or financial industry
  • In-depth knowledge, or interest to gain in-depth knowledge, in laws, regulations and

procedures, in particular Wtt 2018 (preferably), Wwft 2018 and Sanction regulations

  • Pragmatic but critical approach, attention to detail and problem-solving mentality
  • Excellent fluency in English, both verbal and in writing
  • Good drafting and planning skills




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